Saturday, November 11, 2006


OK! I'm cheating........

.....just this once.
I had to skip ahead to the present day
and share this picture with everyone.
I went to
Sir Elton John
in concert tonight.
It was an amazing show, one of the best concerts I've ever been too, and I've been to alot of concerts.
enjoy :-)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Winterlude in the Capital

Things we have around our house

more house stuff

Rural Ottawa

more rural pictures


January was a great month for me.
I'd finally saved up enough money to buy my BABY!
The Canon Digital Rebel XT.......that was a very happy day for me.
Not so much for my honey, family & friends, let me assure you.
I've been hiding around corners ever since, trying to get a good candid shots or just photographing their every move.

Thank god, I have JulieCButler
as one of my bestfriends, and a fellow
photography enthusiast.

So now that Julie and I both had a Canon Rebel, we had to get together as soon as possible and take pictures. We schedule a photo shoot for that Sat. the 7th Jan 2006. The only problem was we didn't have any models, so we took pictures of each other.
Here are some of my pictures from that day....

more of Julie

I'd like to give you a little, of Julie and I's history

We met in 1996 at the golf course we both worked at. I driving the beer cart, she worked in the snack bar. It was a great summer of work and partying. We were both single and 21yrs old, need I say more.
That fall I got a job as a receptionist at a Travel Agency. Julie had her travel agent training but wasn't working in that field at that time. But it didn't take long for Julie to decided to put her travel agent training to use. She came to work at the same agency as me.

The following spring I left that agency, to take the travel agent course. In the mean time Julie switched agencies. While I was still in school I was offered a job at the new agency Julie was at but I turned it down to work for a major airline.


By 2000 Julie and I where working together again and we haven't been apart since. Julie & I, not only work together, we love to travel together.

We took our first trip together in the fall of 2002



we've also been to Australia, San Diego, Las Vegas, Italy and we're planning a trip to

AFRICA fall 2008
The photography bug started from traveling, it's just grown and grown ever since.


here are more pictures I took in January

first try at taking a picture of a full moon

I think it was beginners luck.

I've never been able to get this quality picture since

my attempt @ a self portrait

This is "J"

He's my bestfriend Jennifer's son, he was 14months in this picture.

He will be 2yrs old on the 23rd Nov.

I'll properly introduce him, in my April post

stay tuned !

I took these pictures one afternoon when I babysat

(Mom&Dad needed a break)

I framed them and gave it to Jennifer for her 30th B-day.......

I made her cry

What I've seen through my camera lens in 2006

I've been racking my brain for weeks now....
How do I get my Blog rolling?
Where do I start?
I've taken thousands of pictures........How could I possible organize them all.
Then it hit me...I'm going to pick my favorites pictures from each month.

So stay tuned!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I love this time of year, the changing of the leaves, the cool fall air
For some strange reason I always carve two pumpkins, one just isn't enough.
This your I chose to do the scary witch and the count dracula

Finaly I got blogger to upload my pictures
Enjoy :-)